Social prescribing

Many things can affect our wellbeing. Social prescribing recognises that wider issues such as social, and economic factors all play a part in our physical and mental health.

What is social prescribing?

Social Prescribing is a personalised approach that links you to support in the community to improve your health and wellbeing. This might include telling you about a service, so you can make contact yourself or referring you to a community service.

There are a wide range of community groups and activities to support you practically and provide advice, or to support with increasing physical activity, learning something new, volunteering or reducing isolation.  

Social Prescribing starts with a conversation about what matter to you. This means listening to you and talking about your goals and puts you in charge of choices about your life.

A Social Prescribing Link Worker is there to work with you, not tell you what you must do.

Getting a Social Prescribing Link Worker

If you think that social prescribing might help you, please contact your local Surgery and ask to be referred. Any member of the team will be able to do this for you.

Alternatively, your clinician may discuss the option of a referral with you as part of your care plan.

This service is available to all patients over the age of 18.

Social prescribing is a short-term service, and we can offer support for up to 6 sessions.

Partnered Community Groups

Our Social Prescribing team are responsible for the running of several community support groups in North Somerset. Whether you want to learn a new skill, meet new people or need support, find groups near you. 

Local Community Resources

There are many local and national services which you can refer to yourself including, foodbanks, mental health support, Housing & Homelessness, carers support, bereavement support, council support, refugees and asylum seekers, transport, addiction and more

NHS Resources

If you would like more information on social prescribing in England, then we recommend visiting the NHS website. The website has lots of resources and further information on the NHS England social prescribing programme.