Prescriptions at Mendip Vale North Somerset

You can order an NHS repeat prescription from your pharmacy by using our online system.

Find out how to get a repeat prescription online, how much prescriptions cost and how your local pharmacist can help you without having to see your GP.

Please allow 3 full working days for your prescription to be processed. We do not accept prescriptions over the telephone.

NEW Repeat Prescription Form 

This form is for requesting repeat prescriptions only.

If you have a medication query, please contact the prescription team directly by emailing or by choosing option 2 on the main line telephone number.

Please allow up to 3 working days for your prescription to be ready. This does not include weekends, and therefore it may take longer for us to get back to if your form was submitted on a Friday and if there is a Bank Holiday.

If there are any problems with your request a member of the team will be in contact with you.

An NHS number is a 10-digit number, like 485 777 3456. If known, please enter your NHS number in the field below. You can find more information on the NHS website
Please provide an email address so we can inform you the status of your request. If you do not have an email please put n/a
Please list the chosen medication which you would like to reorder. We cannot accept requests if you've never had the medication before.
If you have recently been in hospital, please include the date you were discharged.

Order your prescription using the NHS App or Patient Access

You can get a prescription online. Use our online system to order a repeat prescription. You will need to choose a pharmacy to prepare your prescription and collect your medication from.

You will also need:

  • An online account
  • The name of the medication and dosage
  • To be at least 17-years old.

Get a prescription on the NHS App

The NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services, including ordering a repeat prescriptions, access to your health record and get health advice. 

Get a prescription on Patient Access

Patient Access is a website and mobile app which gives you access to a range of GP services online, including repeat prescriptions and access to your health record.


To make sure we prescribe repeat medicines safely, we cannot process requests over the phone.

If you are unable to use the above online methods and find it difficult to attend the surgery to request in person, please get in touch and we will try to accommodate your requirements.

Nominating a pharmacy

When you order a repeat prescription online, you will have to nominate a pharmacy to prepare your prescription and for you to pick it up from.

You can nominate a pharmacy by using the NHS App or logging into the NHS website using a web browser. A high street pharmacy is where you collect your prescriptions in person. If you have chosen an online-only pharmacy, then they will send your prescription in the post.

If you order your prescription online:

  • You will no longer need to collect paper prescriptions from our surgery
  • Your nominated pharmacy will have your prescriptions ready to collect until you change or remove them.

For more information about nominating a pharmacy, visit the Nominating a Pharmacy page on the NHS website.

How your pharmacy can help

Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals who can help you with minor health concerns. They can offer medical advice and over-the-counter medicines for minor illnesses like coughs, colds, tummy problems and aches and pains.

For symptoms that are more serious, we suggest visiting your GP or nurse. You can book an appointment by going to our Appointments page.

Email our prescriptions team

To email our prescriptions team, please include your name, date of birth, and medication list. For safety reasons we will be unable to process request without the required information, this could lead to a delay in you obtaining your medication.

Email your prescription request to

Prescription charges

The NHS prescription charges apply to England only. These are:

  • Prescription (per item): £9.65
  • 12-month prepayment certificate (PPC): £111.60
  • 3-month PPC: £31.25.

The Government provides help for those who have difficulty paying NHS prescriptions. You can find out more about whether you’re entitled to support from the Government on the NHS Prescription Charges on the NHS website.

More information and advice about NHS England prescription charges are on the Who can get free prescription page on the NHS website.

Questions about your prescription

We are available to help with any problems about your prescription. Contact us if you are having problems with:

  • Ordering repeat prescriptions
  • Your pharmacy
  • Out of stock items
  • General concerns about your medication.

You can contact us by emailing the surgery at

Or call us on 01934 839820

You can also find more information about prescriptions on the Prescriptions and pharmacies page on the NHS website.

Medication Reviews

We are keen to ensure that patients with ongoing medical problems are monitored regularly. If your medication review date has passed, please speak to one of our team, they will be able to advise what we need you to do to enable us to complete this review.

You need to register to use our online repeat prescription ordering service and this is best done in person at the surgery. Please speak to one of our receptionists.